Hi! Welcome to Traumatic License.
If you're here, you probably either work in or have some interest in Emergency Services and the public safety sector. Or you clicked on some link from the Oil Minister of Nigeria offering you millions of dollars for helping him smuggle money out of Africa.
Either way, now that you're here you'll probably find some war stories, as well as my thoughts on the Good, Bad & Ugly of Fire Protection, Emergency Medical Services and Law Enforcement.
I proudly serve in Fairview, USA. My response area changes by the day, and includes everything from the inner-city urban environment to the very rural suburbs. Fairview County covers a couple thousand square miles and more than a million people, so the opportunities for variety are many. I've gone days without a run, and run more than 25 calls in 24 hours.
I'm always open to constructive criticism and comments of all kinds. I welcome dissenting opinions, and I don't have any problems with the occasional healthy debate. However, there are a few ground rules: Keep it civil, keep it reasonably intelligent, and divorce yourself from emotion long enough to completely read and attempt to understand what I've written. While you're free to post whatever you'd like in the comments section, don't be surprised if I delete a comment that doesn't follow the rules.
Also, this whole operation is quasi-anonymous, and with good reason. I won't identify patients, and certain identifying details will be changed to protect their privacy. I also won't post photos that in any way violate anyone's privacy, and I won't identify myself, my agency or my coworkers.
That's the way the brass wants it, and that's the way I'll run it. To paraphrase the immortal Calvin, you cannot trace me. You cannot find me. Sincerely, Fairview Medic.
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