Where is Fairview?
Fairview is a large metropolitan area bordered by Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.  In order to maintain the anonymity of my patients, I can't get much more specific.  Sorry!

What does downtown Fairview look like? 

Hey!  My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw <name redacted>  pass out at 31 Flavors last night.  Like, were you the one who picked <name redacted> up?  It's way uncool that you're blogging about it.
Any similarities between your situation and my story are entirely coincidental.  A lot of people call 911, and a whole lot of people pass out in 31 Flavors stores everyday.

I'd like you to evaluate/use/review/endorse my product.  Will you?
After a particularly disastrous relationship with the Acme company and their poorly designed Widgets, I'm very careful about what I endorse.  Contact me by email for further information.

I read about you doing XYZ on scene of a call, but when I did XYZ I got in big trouble.  What gives?
I can't possibly be expected to know your agency's specific SOPs, SOGs or protocols, let alone an individual responder's certification or level of experience.  Follow the rules that apply to you.

I work for The Fairview Tribune -- can I interview you?  
In order to protect my identity and the identities of my coworkers and patients, I do not currently do audio or audio/video interviews.  As honored as I am that you want me to be a part of your podcast, news story or Dolph Lundgren movie, I'm currently only able to do print interviews.

What's the best way to get a hold of you?
Why did you delete my comment?
While I'm a very strong proponent of the First Amendment, I reserve the right to delete any profane or offensive comments.  As long as you follow the rules and play nice, you can pretty much say what you want.